RTA Generic Methods

RTA generic method API provides a set of methods, available to Compensators and Claimant representatives, that allow the end users to perform actions on the Claims Portal system that do not change the status of the claims within the RTA workflow

These methods are fundamental to operating on the Claims Portal system and allow the users to:

  • retrieve important information about the system, e.g. the current process version;
  • retrieve useful information to add a claim to the system, e.g. the list of NHS hospitals available on the system and the list of available compensators;
  • retrieve important information about the claim, e.g. the details of the CNF and the status of the claim on the system;
  • manage attachments retrieve the list of the claim's attachments, download them, and add new attachments to the claims;
  • manage the printable documents retrieving the list of the available printable documents and downloading them;

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